
Garzê County


gmina Garzê County, prefektura Garzê, Chińska Republika Ludowa

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Garzê County or Kardze County, called Ganzi County in Chinese, is one of the 18 subdivisions of the Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in northwestern Sichuan province, China. The Yalong River passes just south of the town Garzê, also known as Ganzi, the capital town of the county, which has some 16,920 inhabitants, many of them ethnic Tibetans, and is famous for its Tibetan lamasery. Wikipedia
liczba ludności:72 698
obszar:6 860,2 km²
kod pocztowy:624000

31.6244492N, 99.9908597E


WGS84 (stopnie)

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Garzê County